In Locus Online, Lois Tilton recently called my story “Subduction” her “favorite F&SF piece from 2014.”  Her review last summer said:

Excellent adult fantasy, tapping lightly into archetype but keeping the focus on the characters who have to face primordial forces of immense power — and pay the price for it. Tying the Earth’s great fault-lines to dragons is an inspired notion, and the prose makes it a joy to read.


There are still a few more ballots to consider for awards season, and I’d like to make sure this story, which appeared in the July/August 2014 Fantasy & Science Fiction, is available to folks who don’t have the issue.

Here it is, appearing with the kind permission of Gordon Van Gelder (the link opens a pdf):

 Subduction, by Paul M Berger, F&SF July-Aug 2014


If you’re not into reading, StarShipSofa did a podcast of the story here.  It begins at the 21:00 mark.

Also, I got to do a fun interview promoting the story, and it’s up on the F&SF blog.


Subduction Cover F&SF Digest